Brick Collectors is a platform for LEGO collectors to value their LEGO
collections, Find the best sets to buy, and get updated on LEGO News and
BrickCollectors is an OpenSorce tool made for a school project. below are
links to the websites tools, as well as other projects made by my
classmates, the sorce code, and information on open sorce software.
This is version InDEV V1.01-1.8.25. It is missing sevral key features that will be added soon. I will be using this version, and making changes to it, until it is in a state that I'm happy with. Than I will be releasing it, and posting the link on this website. I will be updating the website every week or so, so if this is a project you are interested in, check in once in a while. I intend to release a public version sometime in early 2026